My Morning Musings |
![]() When I started this project, about a year and a half ago, I floundered and wanted to do something to help those affected by Sexual Assault and Intimate Partner Violence - I didn't want to replicate the wheel! I contacted my community first, Sanctuary House in Woodstock, Sexual Violence New Brunswick, in Fredericton and the local hospitals to me - Upper River Valley in Waterville, NB and the Dr. Edwards Chalmer Hospital in Fredericton. I was advised that what I was suggesting was met in part but required more "steps" to make it happen - not all aspects of the "comfort kits, clothing and gift cards" were currently being met. The Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner at the time, Lisa Jonsson spoke with me and was very encouraging and helpful! Together, the agencies and I, as well as the nurse examiner coordinator, Lisa - talked about how this might be different. As I have said before, I thought this may be a "one off" project - Giving Day Tuesday, Christmas, "help others." I quickly realized that it would be a valued resource and that it was assisting the Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE - new program name) to help meet the needs of their patients in a respectful, timely way. The patients and the nurse - together would discuss needs and use the supplies to meet them. This has all grown and the goal is now to meet all the hospitals in this provinces needs as well as to expand throughout Atlantic Canada - and beyond?! Of course it quickly got to be a lot for one person to handle - I'll be honest I LOVE the people part, the fundraising, speaking, spreading the word and sharing resources, but my actual "paperwork and budgeting" end of things was my least favourite task! In order to do something well, you have to do it right! That is why it has been slow to grow but we have been offered the opportunity to apply for grants and we have started to do so! I am so grateful for the community support, interest, partnerships and NOW... I am SUPER grateful to announce that the talented Heather Neilsen has signed on as my Administrative Support - Grant Writer and Keeping me on BUDGET! WELCOME HEATHER! I am so glad to have you on board! Do you know that in 2 weeks of joining Heather already has multiple grants on the go and getting ready to send out? Yes, being a lone wolf, it is HARD to ask for help - but this isn't about me! This is about helping all of those in our province and beyond that need IMMEDIATE supports that require zero barriers beyond meeting with the local FNE! Heather is helping this work continue and prosper! I am so excited to introduce her to people, partners, community groups, etc. She is doing this as a side project - we all understand that! She has jumped right in and with HER SUPPORT AND HARD WORK - we plan to create our official non-profit with charitable status! Baby steps... we are getting there! I have so much more to announce, but that is for another day! Please join me in welcoming Heather! You can email her at: [email protected] regarding anything to do with grants! She is on it! Having Heather allows me to update the website, add the agencies, get the print work ready for distribution and oh so much more! We are actively seeking financial contributions to create more comfort kits! We are currently at the URVH, DECH and SJRH (Saint John Regional Hospital). Time to stop! Send me your links! I will be sending out another blog/newsletter later in the week! Have a great weekend, thank you for your support and you'll be hearing from me soon! Sarah Sherman Founder/Program Coordinator
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When you go through experiences in your life that are traumatic - you wonder WHY? |
Sarah Sherman - Founder of We're Here For You - Comfort Kit ProjectThe founder of this project, Sarah Sherman, felt compelled to help other women, children and young men - who find themselves seeking help after a sexual assault. From personal experience, Sarah knows the trauma of having to get help from the RCMP, going to the ER and the devastating experience of having to undergo a rape kit from a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) which can take several hours. The nurses are amazing, but nothing makes it feel any better. At the end of the exam, Sarah recalled what it was like to put on clothing that did not fit right, was inappropriate for herself and to walk out of the room with nothing. She wanted to do something that would make this recovery a little bit less intimidating for the next person. She hoped to help provide them with some dignity, respect and equality as they make their way through what will inevitably be a long journey of working through justice, healing and recovery. |
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